Autologous Concentrated Growth Factors
Growth factors are our own proteins which regulate in the complex processes of wound healing and are used to accelerate and enhance tissue and bone regeneration and repair in dental and medical procedures. CGF (Concentrated Growth Factors) has been clinically proven to be the most advanced form of growth factor treatment.

CGF was first introduced in 2006 by Dr. Sacco (France) then an innovative Medical & Dental manufacturer, Silfradent (Italy) has perfected and further improved Dr. Sacco’s original concepts and ideas to create a special centrifuge : “MEDIFUGE”. This whole new type of device is capable to extract approximately 2 times more active Growth Factors and 4 times more CD34+ Stem Cells than any other centrifuges yet developed in both dental and medical industries.
How is CGF used?
CGF (concentrated growth factors) is derived from a small quantity of your own blood drawn from your arm. Using a specialized centrifuge, your blood is processed and prepared while you are having your dental surgery. It only takes about 10 minutes to be ready for use from the time your blood is drawn.

What are the benefits of CGF?
Faster healing and recovery
Faster wound closure
Less bleeding
Less pain and discomfort
Ideal for smokers and diabetics

Did you know…?
CGF is also widely used in cosmetic and dermatological procedures, as well as to cure athletic injuries. Many universities and scientific researchers from all around the world are continuously developing new applications of CGF to improve the quality of our lives..